73a.735-101—Principles and purpose.

(a) To assure that the business of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is conducted effectively, objectively, and without improper influence or appearance thereof, all employees must be persons of integrity and observe the highest standards of conduct. Because of FDA's special regulatory responsibilities to the consumer and industry, its employees must be especially alert to avoid any real or appearance of conflict of their private interests with their public duties. Their actions must be unquestionable and free from suspicion of partiality, favoritism, or any hint of conflicting interests. This supplement recognizes FDA's public obligation to set reasonable and fair safeguards for the prevention of employee conflicts of interest. It is necessary to meet FDA's regulatory responsibilities and to otherwise assure full protection of the public confidence in the integrity of its employees.
(b) Since FDA is a unique consumer protection and regulatory agency within the Department, the DHHS Standards of Conduct need further supplementation to reflect this role. Therefore, for purposes of implementing the DHHS Standards of Conduct regulations within the FDA, this supplement provides interpretive definitions and additional requirements. As further guidance to its employees and supervisory officials, FDA will issue internal procedural instructions in accordance with this supplement.