680.12—One-year NSF post-employment restrictions.
For one year after leaving NSF employment, a former NSF employee, including a special Government employee who has performed work for NSF on more than 60 days in the previous twelve months, shall not represent himself, herself, or any other person in dealings with any NSF official on any proposal, project, or other particular matter.
The one-year restriction contained in paragraph (a) of this section is in addition to any post-employment restriction imposed by statute, including 18 U.S.C. 207 and 41 U.S.C. 423. To the extent that any disqualification required by paragraph (a) of this section is not also required by statute, written exceptions may be granted by the NSF's General Counsel, whose decisions shall be final. Exceptions will be rare and will be granted only where strict application of the rules would result in undue hardship for former short-term employees or for other former employees, and when granting an exception would not result in an unfair advantage to the former employee.
Paragraph (a) of this section applies to particular matters involving specific parties, such as grants, contracts, or other agreements; applications for permits, licenses, or the like; requests for rulings or similar official determinations; claims; investigations or audits; charges or accusations against individuals or firms; adjudicatory hearings; and court cases.
For former employees, other than special Government employees, paragraph (a) of this section also applies to particular matters that do not involve specific parties, such as:
Determinations to establish or dis-establish a particular program or set its budget level for a particular fiscal year;
General policy or rulemaking—including, for example, decisions on particular NSF rules or formal policy, such as adoption or amendment of a resolution by the National Science Board, promulgation or amendment of an NSF regulation or circular, amendment of standard grant or contract terms, or changes to NSF manuals or policy documents; and
Any expression of a former employee's views on policy issues where the circumstances make it obvious that the former employee is only speaking as an informed and interested citizen, not representing any financial or other interests of his or her own or of any other person or institution with which he or she is associated;
Any appearance or communication concerning matters of a personal or individual nature, such as the former employee's taxes, salary, benefits, possible Federal employment, rights as a former employee, or the application of conflict-of-interest rules to something the former employee proposes to do;
Any appearance on the former employee's own behalf in any litigation or administrative proceeding; or
Any presentation of scientific or technical information (at a site visit, for example) or any other communication of scientific or technical information on work being proposed or conducted.
As soon as his or her NSF employment ceases, a former NSF employee (including any former special Government employee described in paragraph (a) of this section) may again be listed as principal investigator on an NSF award, may be listed as principal investigator in any proposal or award, and may sign a proposal as principal investigator. However, the former employee and the grantee institution shall formally designate, subject to NSF approval, a “substitute negotiator” who, though not principally responsible for the work, will represent the former employee and the institution in dealings with NSF officials on any proposal or project for as long as the former employee would be barred from representational contacts with NSF by paragraph (a) of this section or by statute.