675.4—Waiver process.
If an individual is found not physically qualified for deployment to Antarctica, the USAP's contractor will inform the individual of the determination and of the administrative waiver process, and will provide a waiver application package to the individual upon request.
The waiver applicant should send the completed waiver application package to the USAP's contractor which will forward the package to NSF's Office of Polar Programs for review and a determination on the appropriateness of a waiver. In making the waiver determination, the Office of Polar Programs may consult with other qualified medical personnel and may require waiver applicants to take further medical examinations or to furnish additional medical documentation in support of the waiver application.
The Director, Office of Polar Programs (or designee) will make a final determination, in the exercise of his or her discretion, on the appropriateness of a waiver on a case-by-case basis.
Individuals for whom a waiver is determined to be appropriate are eligible for deployment to Antarctica subject to any necessary limitations/restrictions identified by the Director, Office of Polar Programs, or designee.