670.19—Designation of native mammals.
The following are designated native mammals:
Crabeater seal—Lobodon carcinophagus.
Leopard seal—Hydrurga leptonyx.
Ross seal—Ommatophoca rossi.1
Southern elephant seal—Mirounga leonina.
Southern fur seals—Arctocephalus spp.1
Weddell seal—Leptonychotes weddelli.
Large Cetaceans (Whales):
Blue whale—Balaenoptera musculus.
Fin whale—Balaenoptera physalus.
Humpback whale—Megaptera novaeangliae.
Minke whale—Balaenoptera acutrostrata.
Pygmy blue whale—Balaenoptera musculus brevicauda
Sei whale—Balaenoptera borealis
Southern right whale—Balaena glacialis australis
Sperm whale—Physeter macrocephalus
Small Cetaceans (Dolphins and porpoises):
Arnoux's beaked whale—Berardius arnuxii.
Commerson's dolphin—Cephalorhynchus commersonii
Dusky dolphin—Lagenorhynchus obscurus
Hourglass dolphin—Lagenorhynchus cruciger
Killer whale—Orcinus orca
Long-finned pilot whale—Globicephala melaena
Southern bottlenose whale—Hyperoodon planifrons.
Southern right whale dolphin—Lissodelphis peronii
Spectacled porpoise—Phocoena dioptrica