63.8—Supplemental regulations and grant conditions.
(a) Grants under
Any grants awarded with funds appropriated under section 232 of the Community Services Act shall be subject to the following regulations issued by the Director of the Community Services Administration (formerly the Office of Economic Opportunity):
45 CFR 1060.2 | (Income Poverty Guidelines.) |
45 CFR 1060.3 | (Limitation on Benefits to Those Voluntarily Poor.) |
45 CFR 1067.1 | (Suspension and Termination of Assistance.) |
45 CFR 1068.6 | (Grantee Compliance with IRS Requirements for Withheld Federal Income and Social Security Taxes.) |
45 CFR 1069.1 | (Employee Participation in Direct Action.) |
45 CFR 1069.2 | (Limitations with Respect to Unlawful Demonstrations, Rioting, and Civil Disturbances.) |
45 CFR 1070.1 | (Public Access to Grantee Information.) |
No other portions of Chapter X of this title are applicable to such grants.
Grants awarded with funds appropriated under section 232 of the Community Services Act shall also be subject to the applicable statutory requirements in sections 242, 243, and 244, and title VI of the Community Services Act. The Assistant Secretary will advise grantees of the nature of these requirements at or prior to the time of award.
In the event that any provision of this part is inconsistent with a provision of law or a regulation referenced in paragraphs (a)(1) and (2) of this section with respect to any grant funded under section 232 of the Community Services Act, the provision of this part shall, to the extent of any such inconsistency, not be effective.
(b) Grants under other statutory authority.
Grants awarded by the Assistant Secretary may be subject to regulations, other than those set forth in this part, which have been issued under the authority of statutes authorizing particular awards. In such a case, that fact will be set forth in the program announcement soliciting applications for such grants published in the Federal Register pursuant to § 63.3.
(c) Other regulations applicable to grants under this part.
Federal financial assistance provided under this part shall be subject to the following additional regulations except as otherwise provided in this part:
Part 74 of this title, establishing uniform administrative requirements and cost principles for grants by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Part 80 of this title, effectuating the provisions of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; and
Part 16 of this title, establishing a Departmental Grant Appeals Board for the resolution of specified post-award grant disputes.