60.16—How to dispute the accuracy of National Practitioner Data Bank information.

(a) Who may dispute National Practitioner Data Bank information. Any physician, dentist, or other health care practitioner or health care entity may dispute the accuracy of information in the NPDB concerning himself, herself or itself. The Secretary will routinely mail a copy of any report filed in the NPDB to the subject individual or entity.
(b) Procedures for filing a dispute. The subject of the report may dispute the accuracy of the report within 60 days from the date on which the Secretary mails the report to the subject individual or entity. The procedures for disputing a report are:
(1) Informing the Secretary and the reporting entity, in writing, of the disagreement, and the basis for it,
(2) Requesting simultaneously that the disputed information be entered into a “disputed” status and be reported to inquirers as being in a “disputed” status, and
(3) Attempting to enter into discussion with the reporting entity to resolve the dispute.
(c) Procedures for revising disputed information.
(1) If the reporting entity revises the information originally submitted to the NPDB, the Secretary will notify all entities to whom reports have been sent that the original information has been revised.
(2) If the reporting entity does not revise the reported information, the Secretary will, upon request, review the written information submitted by both parties (the subject individual or entity and the reporting entity). After review, the Secretary will either—
(i) If the Secretary concludes that the information is accurate, include a brief statement by the physician, dentist or other health care practitioner or health care entity describing the disagreement concerning the information, and an explanation of the basis for the decision that it is accurate, or
(ii) If the Secretary concludes that the information is incorrect, send corrected information to previous inquirers.