309.170—What statistical and narrative reporting requirements apply to Tribal IV-D programs?
Tribes and Tribal organizations operating a Tribal IV-D program must submit to OCSE the Child Support Enforcement Program: Quarterly Report of Collections (Form OCSE-34A). The reports for each of the first three quarters of the funding period are due 30 days after the end of each quarterly reporting period. The report for the fourth quarter is due 90 days after the end of the fourth quarter of each funding period.
Tribes and Tribal organizations must submit the following information and statistics for Tribal IV-D program activity and caseload for each annual funding period:
Total number of cases and, of the total number of cases, the number that are State or Tribal TANF cases and the number that are non-TANF cases;
Total number of out-of-wedlock births in the previous year and total number of paternities established or acknowledged;
A narrative report on activities, accomplishments, and progress of the program, including success in reaching the performance targets established by the Tribe or Tribal organization;
A Tribe or Tribal organization must submit Tribal IV-D program statistical and narrative reports required by paragraph (b) of this section no later than 90 days after the end of each funding period.