286.275—What information must Tribes file annually?

(a) Each Tribal TANF grantee must file an annual report containing information on its TANF program for that year. The report may be filed as:
(1) An addendum to the fourth quarter TANF Data Report; or
(2) A separate annual report.
(b) Each Tribal TANF grantee must provide the following information on its TANF program:
(1) The Tribal TANF grantee's definition of each work activity;
(2) A description of the transitional services provided to families no longer receiving assistance due to employment; and
(3) A description of how a Tribe will reduce the amount of assistance payable to a family when an individual refuses to engage in work without good cause pursuant to § 286.145.
(4) The average monthly number of payments for child care services made by the Tribal TANF grantee through the use of disregards, by the following types of child care providers:
(i) Licensed/regulated in-home child care;
(ii) Licensed/regulated family child care;
(iii) Licensed/regulated group home child care;
(iv) Licensed/regulated center-based child care;
(v) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in Tribal TANF grantee's locality) in-home child care provided by a nonrelative;
(vi) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in Tribal TANF grantee's locality) in-home child care provided by a relative;
(vii) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in Tribal TANF grantee's locality) family child care provided by a nonrelative;
(viii) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in Tribal TANF grantee's locality) family child care provided by a relative;
(ix) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in Tribal TANF grantee's locality) group child care provided by a nonrelative;
(x) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in Tribal TANF grantee's locality) group child care provided by a relative; and
(xi) Legally operating (i.e., no license category available in Tribal TANF grantee's locality) center-based child care.
(5) A description of any nonrecurring, short-term benefits provided, including:
(i) The eligibility criteria associated with such benefits, including any restrictions on the amount, duration, or frequency of payments;
(ii) Any policies that limit such payments to families that are eligible for TANF assistance or that have the effect of delaying or suspending a family's eligibility for assistance; and
(iii) Any procedures or activities developed under the TANF program to ensure that individuals diverted from assistance receive information about, referrals to, or access to other program benefits (such as Medicaid and food stamps) that might help them make the transition from Welfare-to-Work; and
(6) A description of the procedures the Tribal TANF grantee has established and is maintaining to resolve displacement complaints, pursuant to § 286.110. This description must include the name of the Tribal TANF grantee agency with the lead responsibility for administering this provision and explanations of how the Tribal TANF grantee has notified the public about these procedures and how an individual can register a complaint.
(7) Tribes electing the FVO must submit a description of the strategies and procedures in place to ensure that victims of domestic violence receive appropriate alternative services, as well as an aggregate figure for the total number of good cause domestic waivers granted.
(c) If the Tribal TANF grantee has submitted the information required in paragraph (b) of this section in the TFAP, it may meet the annual reporting requirements by reference in lieu of re-submission. Also, if the information in the annual report has not changed since the previous annual report, the Tribal TANF grantee may reference this information in lieu of re-submission.
(d) If a Tribal TANF grantee makes a substantive change in certain data elements in paragraph (b) of this section, it must file a copy of the change either with the next quarterly data report or as an amendment to its TFAP. The Tribal TANF grantee must also indicate the effective date of the change. This requirement is applicable to paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this section.