270.10—How will we annually review the award process?

(a) Annual determination. Annually, as needed, we will review the measures, data sources, and funding allocations specified in this part to determine if modifications, adjustments, or technical changes are necessary. We will add new measures or make changes in the funding allocations for the various measures only through regulations.
(b) Criteria. We will determine if any modifications, adjustments, or technical changes need to be made based on:
(1) Our experience in awarding high performance bonuses in previous years; and
(2) The availability of national, State-reliable, and objective data.
(c) Consultation. We will consult with the National Governors' Association, the American Public Human Services Association, and other interested parties before we make our final decisions on any modification, adjustment, or technical changes for the bonus awards. We will notify States and other interested parties of our decisions through annual program guidance. We will also post this information on the Internet.