2517.410—What must a qualified organization include in an application for a grant or a subgrant?

(a) In order to apply to the Corporation for a direct grant, a qualified organization must submit the following: (1) A plan describing the goals and activities of the proposed program;
(2) A proposal containing the specific program, budget, and other information specified by the Corporation in the grant application package; and
(3) Assurances that the applicant will—
(i) Keep such records and provide such information to the Corporation with respect to the program as may be required for fiscal audits and program evaluation;
(ii) Comply with the nonduplication, nondisplacement, and grievance procedure requirements of part 2540 of this chapter; and
(iii) Prior to placing a participant in the program, consult with the appropriate local labor organization, if any, representing employees in the area in which the program will be carried out who are engaged in the same or similar work as the work proposed to be carried out by the program, to prevent the displacement of those employees.
(b) In order to apply to a State Commission or a grantmaking entity for a subgrant, a qualified organization must submit the following: (1) A plan describing the goals and activities of the proposed program; and
(2) Such specific program, budget, and other information as the Commission or entity reasonably requires.