2505.7—What are the procedures for changing the time or place of a meeting following the public announcement?

(a) After there has been a public announcement of a meeting, the time or place of the meeting may be changed only if the Board publicly announces the change at the earliest practicable time. Such a change need not be determined by recorded vote.
(b) After there has been a public announcement of a meeting, the subject-matter of the meeting, or the determination of the Board to open or to close a meeting may be changed only when—
(1) The Board determines, by recorded vote, that Board business so requires and that no earlier announcement of the change was possible; and
(2) The Board publicly announces the change and the vote of each Member at the earliest practicable time.
(c) The deletion of any subject-matter previously announced for a meeting is not a change requiring the approval of the Board under paragraph (b) of this section.