2400.60—Renewal of award.

(a) Provided that Fellows have submitted all required documentation and are making satisfactory academic progress, it is the intent of the Foundation to renew Junior Fellowship awards annually for a period not to exceed two calendar years or the completion of their graduate degrees, whichever comes first, and Senior Fellowships for a period not to exceed 5 calendar years (except when those periods have been altered because of changes in Fellows' Plan of Study as provided for in § 2400.64 ), or until a Fellow has completed all requirements for a master's degree, whichever comes first. In no case, however, will the Foundation continue payments under a fellowship to a Fellow who has reached the maximum payments under a fellowship as indicated in § 2400.52, or completed the minimum number of credits required for the degree. Although Fellows are not discouraged in taking courses in addition to those required for the degree or required to maintain full-time status, the Foundation will not in such cases pay for those additional courses.
(b) Fellowship renewal will be subject to an annual review by the Foundation and certification by an authorized official of the university at which a Fellow is registered that the Fellow is making satisfactory progress toward the degree and is in good academic standing according to the standards of each university.
(c) As a condition of renewal of awards, each Fellow must submit an annual activity report to the Foundation by July 15th. That report must indicate, through submission of a copy of the Fellow's most recent transcript, courses taken and grades achieved; courses planned for the coming year; changes in academic or professional plans or situations; any awards, recognitions, or special achievements in the Fellow's academic study or school employment; and such other information as may relate to the fellowship and its holder.
[61 FR 46734, Sept. 5, 1996, as amended at 69 FR 11815, Mar. 12, 2004]