1640.4—Violation of agreement.
A violation of the agreement under § 1640.2(b)(1) shall result in the recipient's LSC grant or contract being terminated by the Corporation without need for a termination hearing. During the pendency of any appeal of a conviction or judgment, the Corporation may take such steps as it determines necessary to safeguard its funds.
A violation of the agreement under § 1640.2(b)(2) shall result in the recipient's LSC grant or contract being terminated by the Corporation. Prior to such termination, the Corporation shall provide notice and an opportunity to be heard for the sole purpose of determining whether the recipient knowingly or through gross negligence allowed the employee or board member to engage in the activities which led to the conviction or judgment. During the pendency of any appeal of a conviction or judgment or during the pendency of a hearing, the Corporation may take such steps as it determines necessary to safeguard its funds.