1634.10—Transition provisions.
When the competitive bidding process results in the award of a grant or contract to an applicant, other than the current recipient, to serve the area currently served by that recipient, the Corporation—
may provide, if the law permits, continued funding to the current recipient, for a period of time and at a level to be determined by the Corporation after consultation with the recipient, to ensure the prompt and orderly completion of or withdrawal from pending cases or matters or the transfer of such cases or matters to the new recipient or to other appropriate legal service providers in a manner consistent with the rules of ethics or professional responsibility for the jurisdiction in which those services are being provided; and
shall ensure, after consultation with the recipient, the appropriate disposition of real and personal property purchased by the current recipient in whole or in part with Corporation funds consistent with the Corporation's policies.
Awards of grants or contracts for legal assistance to any applicant that is not a current recipient may, in the Corporation's discretion, provide for incremental increases in funding up to the annualized level of the grant or contract award in order to ensure that the applicant has the capacity to utilize Corporation funds in an effective and economical manner.