1622.4—Public announcement of meetings.
Public announcement shall be posted of every meeting. The announcement shall include: (1) The time, place, and subject matter to be discussed;
The name and telephone number of the official designated by the Board, committee, or council to respond to requests for information about the meeting.
The announcement shall be posted at least seven calendar days before the meeting, unless a majority of the Directors determines by a recorded vote that Corporation business requires a meeting on fewer than seven days notice. In the event that such a determination is made, public announcement shall be posted at the earliest practicable time.
Each public announcement shall be posted at the offices of the Corporation in an area to which the public has access, and promptly submitted to the Federal Register for publication. Reasonable effort shall be made to communicate the announcement of a Board or committee meeting to the chairman of each council and the governing body and the program director of each recipient of funds from the Corporation, and of a council meeting to the governing body and program director of each recipient within the same State.
An amended announcement shall be issued of any change in the information provided by a public announcement. Such changes shall be made in the following manner:
The subject matter of a meeting, or a decision to open or close a meeting or a portion thereof, may be changed by recorded vote of a majority of the Directors that Corporation business so requires and that no earlier announcement of the change was possible.
Code of Federal Regulations
[49 FR 30940, Aug. 2, 1984, as amended at 50 FR 30714, July 29, 1985]