1355.39—Administrative and judicial review.

States determined not to be in substantial conformity with titles IV-B and IV-E State plan requirements, or a State or entity in violation of section 471(a)(18) of the Act:
(a) May appeal, pursuant to 45 CFR part 16, the final determination and any subsequent withholding of, or reduction in, funds to the HHS Departmental Appeals Board within 60 days after receipt of a notice of nonconformity described in § 1355.36(e)(1) of this part, or receipt of a notice of noncompliance by ACF as described in § 1355.38(a)(3) of this part; and
(b) Will have the opportunity to obtain judicial review of an adverse decision of the Departmental Appeals Board within 60 days after the State or entity receives notice of the decision by the Board. Appeals of adverse Department Appeals Board decisions must be made to the district court of the United States for the judicial district in which the principal or headquarters office of the agency responsible for administering the program is located.
(c) The procedure described in paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section will not apply to a finding that a State or entity has been determined to be in violation of section 471(a)(18) which is based on a judicial decision.
[65 FR 4083, Jan. 25, 2000]