1351.20—What are the additional requirements under a Runaway and Homeless Youth Program grant?
To improve the administration of the Runaway and Homeless Youth Program by increasing the capability of the runaway and homeless youth service providers to deliver services, HHS will require grantees to accept technical assistance and short-term training as a condition of funding for each budget period.
• Program Management,
• Fiscal Management,
• Development of coordinated networks of private nonprofit agencies to provide services, and
• Low cost community alternatives for runaway or otherwise homeless youth.
• Shelter facility staff development,
• Aftercare services or counseling,
• Fund raising techniques,
• Youth and Family counseling, and
• Crisis intervention techniques.
Grantees will be required to coordinate their activities with the 24-hour National toll-free communication system which links runaway and homeless youth projects and other service providers with runaway or otherwise homeless youth.
Grantees will also be required to submit statistical reports profiling the clients served. The statistical reporting requirements are mandated by the Act which states that “runaway and homeless youth projects shall keep adequate statistical records profiling the children and families which it serves . . .”