1336.72—Fiscal requirements.
Any portion of the revolving loan fund that is not required for expenditure must be invested in obligations of the United States or in obligations guaranteed or insured by the United States.
No loan may be made by the RLF after November 29, 1992, the close of the five-year period of the demonstration project. ( section 803A(b)(6) )
All monies that are in the revolving loan fund on November 29, 1992 and that are not otherwise needed (as determined by the Commissioner) to carry out the provisions of this subpart must be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts. The Commissioner will make this determination based on reports, audits and other appropriate documents as determined by the Commissioner. The Commissioner will take into consideration the costs necessary to collect loans outstanding beyond November 29, 1992, which costs may be paid from interest and loan charges collected by the Fund and in the Fund as of November 29, 1992. To use monies in the Fund for the costs of collection after November 29, 1992, the Commissioner must give prior approval for such use.
All monies deposited in the revolving loan fund after November 29, 1992 must be deposited in the Treasury of the United States as miscellaneous receipts.
After November 29, 1992, the Loan Administrator will assume responsibility for the collection of all outstanding loans without additional financial assistance from ANA.