1336.64—Development of goals and strategies: Responsibilities of the Loan Administrator.
Prior to the approval of any direct loan under the RLF, the Loan Administrator will develop and obtain the Commissioner's approval for a clear and comprehensive set of goals and strategies for the RLF. The goals will specify the results the Loan Administrator expects to accomplish from the Revolving Loan Fund, define the RLF's role and responsibilities for potential users, and serve as the basis for the development of an organizational strategy and operating plan. The RLF strategies will provide the Loan Administrator with a sound understanding of the economic and market conditions within the Native Hawaiian community.
The following factors shall be considered by the Loan Administrator in developing the RLF's goals:
Characteristics of the local capital base and the gaps in the local availability of business capital;
(1) Business Targeting Strategy:
to determine which types of businesses are to be targeted by the loan fund. The Loan Administrator will develop procedures to ensure that the loans made are directed to Native Hawaiians.
(3) Business Assistance Strategy:
to identify the possible or potential management problems of a borrower and develop a workable plan for providing borrowers with the needed management assistance;
(4) Marketing Strategy:
to generate applications from potential borrowers and to generate the support and participation of local financial institutions;
(5) Capital Base Management Strategy:
to develop and allocate the financial resources of the fund in the most effective possible way to meet the need or demand for financing; and
(6) Accountability Strategy:
to develop policies and mechanisms to hold borrowers accountable for providing the public benefits promised (e.g. jobs) in return for financing; to ensure that, until expenditure, loan proceeds are held by the borrower in secured, liquid financial instruments; to hold borrowers accountable for upholding the commitments made prior to the loan; and to develop the methods used by the RLF to enforce these commitments.