1308.21—Parent participation and transition of children into Head Start and from Head Start to public school.
In addition to the many references to working with parents throughout these standards, the staff must carry out the following tasks:
Provide information to parents on how to foster the development of their child with disabilities.
Provide opportunities for parents to observe large group, small group and individual activities describe in their child's IEP.
Refer parents to groups of parents of children with similar disabilities who can provide helpful peer support.
Inform parents of resources which may be available to them from the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Program, the Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program and other sources and assist them with initial efforts to access such resources.
build parent confidence, skill and knowledge in accessing resources and advocating to meet the special needs of their children.
Grantees must plan to assist parents in the transition of children from Head Start to public school or other placement, beginning early in the program year.
Head Start grantees, in cooperation with the child's parents, must notify the school of the child's planned enrollment prior to the date of enrollment.