1302.21—Grantee shows legal status but not financial viability.
If a grantee shows legal status but impaired financial viability the responsible HHS official will entertain a timely request for amendment of the grantee's approved application which restores the grantee's financial viability either by a reduction in the program which produces minimum disruption to services and functions, or by an amendment which incorporates essential functions and services not previously funded as part of the total cost of the Head Start program, and, therefore, requires an increase in the amount of the Head Start grant but which will not result in a Federal share of the total cost of the Head Start program in excess of the percentage authorized by the Act or applicable regulations. In considering such a request which includes an increase in the Head Start grant the responsible HHS official will take into account the funds available to him for obligation and whether the proposed increase is consistent with that distribution of Head Start funds which:
Maximizes the number of childen served within his area of responsibility, or in the case of experimental or demonstration programs, the experimental or demonstration benefits to be achieved, and
Maintains approximately the same distribution of Head Start program funds to States as exist during the fiscal year in which his decision is made.
A request for amendment will be considered to be timely if it is included with the written submittal required by § 1302.20(a) of this part, submitted within 30 days after receiving the notice required by § 1302.20(b) of this part, or submitted as a part of a timely application for refunding.
The grantee will be notified in writing by the responsible HHS official within 30 days after submission of the requested amendment of the decision to approve or disapprove the requested amendment. If the requested amendment is disapproved the notice will contain a statement of the reasons for disapproval.