1226.10—Hatch Act restrictions.
In addition to the prohibitions described above, full time volunteers are subject to the Hatch Act, subchapter III, of chapter 73, title 5, United States Code. Full time volunteers shall not, directly or indirectly, actively participate in political management or in political campaigns. All volunteers retain the right to vote as they choose and to express their personal opinions on political issues or candidates. Examples of prohibited activities, include, but are not limited to,
Candidacy for or service as a delegate or alternate to any political convention or service as an officer or employee thereof.
Acting as an officer of a primary meeting or caucus, addressing, making motions, preparing or presenting resolutions, representing others, or otherwise taking part in such meetings or caucuses.
Holding office as a precinct or ward leader or representative, or service on any committee of a political party. It is not necessary that the service of the volunteer itself be political in nature to fall within the prohibition.
Organizing a political club, being an officer of such a club, being a member of any of its committees, or representing the members of a political club in meetings or conventions.
Soliciting, collecting, receiving, disbursing or otherwise handling contributions made for political purposes.
Selling or soliciting pledges for dinner tickets or other activities of political organizations or candidates, or for their benefit.
Publishing or being editorially connected with a newspaper or other publication generally known as partisan from a political standpoint.
Writing for publication or publishing any letter or article, signed or unsigned, soliciting votes in favor of or in opposition to any political party, candidate or faction.
Soliciting votes, helping get out the vote, acting as a checker, watcher or challenger for any party or faction, transporting voters to or from the polls, or transporting candidates on canvassing or speaking tours.
Hatch Act restrictions apply to full time volunteers at all times during their service, including off-duty hours, leave, holidays and vacations.