206.207—Administrative and audit requirements.

(a) General. Uniform administrative requirements which are set forth in 44 CFR part 13 apply to all disaster assistance grants and subgrants.
(b) State administrative plan. (1) The State shall develop a plan for the administration of the Public Assistance program that includes at a minimum, the items listed below:
(i) The designation of the State agency or agencies which will have the responsibility for program administration.
(ii) The identification of staffing functions in the Public Assistance program, the sources of staff to fill these functions, and the management and oversight responsibilities of each.
(iii) Procedures for:
(A) Notifying potential applicants of the availability of the program;
(B) Conducting briefings for potential applicants and application procedures, program eligibility guidance and program deadlines;
(C) Assisting FEMA in determining applicant eligibility;
(D) Participating with FEMA in conducting damage surveys to serve as a basis for obligations of funds to subgrantees;
(E) Participating with FEMA in the establishment of hazard mitigation and insurance requirements;
(F) Processing appeal requests, requests for time extensions and requests for approval of overruns, and for processing appeals of grantee decisions;
(G) Compliance with the administrative requirements of 44 CFR parts 13 and 206 ;
(H) Compliance with the audit requirements of 44 CFR part 13 ;
(I) Processing requests for advances of funds and reimbursement; and
(J) Determining staffing and budgeting requirements necessary for proper program management.
(K) Determining the reasonable percentage or amount of pass-through funds for management costs provided under 44 CFR part 207 that the grantee will make available to subgrantees, and the basis, criteria, or formula for determining the subgrantee percentage or amount.
(2) The Grantee may request the Regional Administrator to provide technical assistance in the preparation of such administrative plan.
(3) In accordance with the Interim Rule published March 21, 1989, the Grantee was to have submitted an administrative plan to the RD for approval by September 18, 1989. An approved plan must be on file with FEMA before grants will be approved in a future major disaster. Thereafter, the Grantee shall submit a revised plan to the Regional Administrator annually. In each disaster for which Public Assistance is included, the Regional Administrator shall request the Grantee to prepare any amendments required to meet current policy guidance.
(4) The Grantee shall ensure that the approved administrative plan is incorporated into the State emergency plan.
(c) Audit— (1) Nonfederal audit. For grantees or subgrantees, requirements for nonfederal audit are contained in FEMA regulations at 44 CFR part 13 or OMB Circular A-110 as appropriate.
(2) Federal audit. In accordance with 44 CFR part 13, FEMA may elect to conduct a Federal audit of the disaster assistance grant or any of the subgrants.

Code of Federal Regulations

[55 FR 2304, Jan. 23, 1990; 55 FR 5458, Feb. 15, 1990, as amended at 72 FR 57875, Oct. 11, 2007; 74 FR 15350, Apr. 3, 2009]