Adequate, alternate housing means housing that accommodates the needs of the occupants; is within the normal commuting patterns of the area or is within reasonable commuting distance of work, school, or agricultural activities that provide over 50 percent of the household income; and is within the financial ability of the occupant.
Alternative housing resources means any housing that is available or can quickly be made available in lieu of permanent housing construction and is cost-effective when compared to permanent construction costs. Some examples are rental resources, mobile homes and travel trailers.
Applicant means an individual or household who has applied for assistance under this subpart.
Assistance from other means includes monetary or in-kind contributions from voluntary or charitable organizations, insurance, other governmental programs, or from any sources other than those of the applicant.
Dependent means someone who is normally claimed as such on the Federal tax return of another, according to the Internal Revenue Code. It may also mean the minor children of a couple not living together, where the children live in the affected residence with the parent or guardian who does not actually claim them on the tax return.
Displaced applicant means one whose primary residence is uninhabitable, inaccessible, made unavailable by the landlord (to meet their disaster housing need) or not functional as a direct result of the disaster and has no other housing available in the area, i.e., a secondary home or vacation home.
Effective date of assistance means the date that the applicant was determined eligible for assistance.
Eligible hazard mitigation measures are home improvements that an applicant can accomplish in order to reduce or prevent future disaster damages to essential components of the home.
Fair market rent means housing market-wide estimates of rents that provide opportunities to rent standard quality housing throughout the geographic area in which rental housing units are in competition. The fair market rent rates applied are those identified by the Department of Housing and Urban Development as being adequate for existing rental housing in a particular area.
Financial ability means the applicant's capability to pay housing costs. If the household income has not changed subsequent to or as a result of the disaster then the determination is based upon the amount paid for housing before the disaster. If the household income is reduced as a result of the disaster then the applicant will be deemed capable of paying 30 percent of gross post disaster income for housing. When computing financial ability, extreme or unusual financial circumstances may be considered by the Regional Administrator.
Financial assistance means cash that may be provided to eligible individuals and households, usually in the form of a check or electronic funds transfer.
Functional means an item or home capable of being used for its intended purpose.
Household means all persons (adults and children) who lived in the pre-disaster residence who request assistance under this subpart, as well as any persons, such as infants, spouse, or part-time residents who were not present at the time of the disaster, but who are expected to return during the assistance period.
Housing costs means rent and mortgage payments, including principal, interest, real estate taxes, real property insurance, and utility costs.
Inaccessible means as a result of the incident, the applicant cannot reasonably be expected to gain entry to his or her pre-disaster residence due to the disruption, or destruction, of access routes or other impediments to access, or restrictions placed on movement by a responsible official due to continued health, safety or security problems.
In-kind contributions mean something other than monetary assistance, such as goods, commodities or services.
Lodging expenses means expenses for reasonable short-term accommodations that individuals or households incur in the immediate aftermath of a disaster. Lodging expenses may include but are not limited to the cost of brief hotel stays.
Manufactured housing sites means those sites used for the placement of government or privately owned mobile homes, travel trailers, and other manufactured housing units, including:
Commercial site, a site customarily leased for a fee, which is fully equipped to accommodate a housing unit;
Private site, a site that the applicant provides or obtains at no cost to the Federal Government, complete with utilities; and
Group site, a site provided by the State or local government that accommodates two or more units and is complete with utilities.
Necessary expense means the cost associated with acquiring an item or items, obtaining a service, or paying for any other activity that meets a serious need.
Occupant means a resident of a housing unit.
Owner-occupied means that the residence is occupied by:
A person who does not hold formal title to the residence and pays no rent, but is responsible for the payment of taxes or maintenance of the residence; or
Permanent housing plan means a realistic plan that, within a reasonable timeframe, puts the disaster victim back into permanent housing that is similar to the victim's pre-disaster housing situation. A reasonable timeframe includes sufficient time for securing funds, locating a permanent dwelling, and moving into the dwelling.
Primary residence means the dwelling where the applicant normally lives, during the major portion of the calendar year; or the dwelling that is required because of proximity to employment, including agricultural activities, that provide 50 percent of the household's income.
Reasonable commuting distance means a distance that does not place undue hardship on an applicant. It also takes into consideration the traveling time involved due to road conditions, e.g., mountainous regions or bridges out and the normal commuting patterns of the area.
Safe means secure from disaster-related hazards or threats to occupants.
Sanitary means free of disaster-related health hazards.
Serious need means the requirement for an item, or service, that is essential to an applicant's ability to prevent, mitigate, or overcome a disaster-related hardship, injury or adverse condition.
Significantly delayed means the process has taken more than 30 days.
Uninhabitable means the dwelling is not safe, sanitary or fit to occupy.
We, our, and us mean FEMA.