12.1—Purpose and applicability.
The regulations in this part implement the Federal Advisory Committee Act, Executive Order 12024 and General Services Administration Regulation 41 CFR part 101-6. The provisions of the Federal Advisory Committee Act in this part shall apply to all advisory committees established by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), including advisory committees created pursuant to any act of Congress relating to the United States Fire Administration, Federal Insurance Administration, or any other component of the Federal Emergency Management Agency, except to the extent that any act of Congress establishing an advisory committee reporting to the agencies specifically provides otherwise.
This part does not apply to inter-agency advisory committees or advisory committees established by the President unless specifically made applicable by the establishing authority.
This part does not apply to any local group, contractor, grantee, or other organization whose primary function is to render public service with respect to a Federal program, or any state or local committee, counsel, board, commission, or similar group established to advise or make recommendations to State or local officials or agencies.