3451.2—Notification of readjusted lease terms.
If the notification that the lease will be readjusted did not contain the readjusted lease terms, the authorized officer will, within the time specified in the notice that the lease shall be readjusted, notify the lessee by decision of the readjusted lease terms.
The decision transmitting the readjusted lease terms and conditions to the lessee(s) of record shall constitute the final action of the Bureau of Land Management on all the provisions contained in a readjusted lease and will be provided to the lessee(s) of record prior to the anniversary date. The effective date of the readjusted lease shall not be affected by the filing of any appeal of, or a civil suit regarding, any of the readjusted terms and conditions.
The lessee may appeal the decision of the authorized officer in accordance with the procedure set out in 43 CFR part 4; and
Regardless of whether an appeal is filed by the lessee(s), all of the readjusted lease terms and conditions, including, but not limited to, the reporting and payment of rental and royalty, shall be effective on the anniversary date.