30.210—How will I receive notice of the formal probate proceeding?

OHA will provide notice of the formal probate proceeding under § 30.114(a) by mail and by posting. A posted and published notice may contain notices for more than one hearing, and need only specify the names of the decedents, the captions of the cases and the dates, times, places, and purposes of the hearings.
(a) The notice must:
(1) Be sent by first class mail;
(2) Be sent and posted at least 21 days before the date of the hearing; and
(3) Include a certificate of mailing with the date of mailing, signed by the person mailing the notice.
(b) A presumption of actual notice exists with respect to any person to whom OHA sent a notice under paragraph (a) of this section, unless the notice is returned by the Postal Service as undeliverable to the addressee.
(c) OHA must post the notice in each of the following locations:
(1) Five or more conspicuous places in the vicinity of the designated place of hearing; and
(2) The agency with jurisdiction over each parcel of trust or restricted property in the estate.
(d) OHA may also post the notice in other places and on other reservations as the judge deems appropriate.