90.4—Contents of requests for health assessments.
A statement providing information that individuals have been exposed to a hazardous substance and that the probable source is a release, or sufficient information to allow the Administrator to make such a finding;
At his or her discretion, consistent with the requirements of CERCLA, the Administrator may decide not to require the preceding information be submitted with a request for a health assessment.
Any other information pertaining to the facility or release, such as the nature and amount of the hazardous substances of concern or the identities of parties believed to be potentially responsible for the release;
Potential pathways for human exposure, including a description of the media contaminated (e.g. soil, groundwater, air, etc.);
Other Federal, State, or local governmental agencies which were notified or that investigated the facility or release.
This data collection has been reviewed and approved by OMB in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act and assigned the control number 0920-0204.