90.11—Reporting of results of health assessments and health effects studies.
ATSDR shall provide a report of the results of a health assessment or health effects study to EPA, the appropriate State and local governmental agencies, any person requesting ATSDR to conduct the health assessment, and parties potentially responsible for the release, if their identity is readily available to ATSDR. In addition, such reports shall be available to the general public upon request.
In the event that ATSDR or its representatives conduct medical examinations of individuals in the course of a health effects study and the examination reveals a positive significant medical finding, the individual, and a physician if designated by the individual, will be promptly notified of that significant medical finding by ATSDR.
A summary of the findings of all medical examinations for each individual will be sent by ATSDR to that individual.
All studies and results of research conducted under this part (other than health assessments) shall be reported or adopted only after appropriate peer review.