68c.12—What will happen if an individual does not comply with the terms and conditions of participation in the CIR-LRP?
Absent withdrawal (see § 68c.2) or termination under paragraph (d) of this section, any participant who fails to begin or complete the minimum two-year service obligation required under the Program contract, will be considered to have breached the contract and will be subject to assessment of monetary damages and penalties as follows:
Participants who leave during the first year of the initial contract are liable for amounts already paid by the CIR-LRP on behalf of the participant plus an amount equal to $1,000 multiplied by the number of months of the original two-year service obligation.
Participants who leave during the second year of the contract are liable for amounts already paid by the NICHD on behalf of the participant plus $1,000 for each unserved month.
Participants who sign a continuation contract for any year beyond the initial two-year period and fail to complete the one-year period specified are liable for the pro rata amount of any benefits advanced beyond the period of completed service plus an amount equal to the number of months of obligated service that were not completed by the participant multiplied by $1,000.
Payments of any amount owed under paragraph (a) or (b) of this section shall be made within one year of the participant's breach (or such longer period as determined by the Secretary).
Terminations will not be considered a breach of contract in cases where such terminations are beyond the control of the participant as follows:
Terminations for cause or for convenience of the Government that are not based upon a breach or default of the participant will not be considered a breach of contract and monetary damages will not be assessed.
The participant transfers to another NICHD intramural laboratory or eligible NICHD-supported extramural site, in which case the participant remains bound to any and all obligations of the contract.
The participant transfers to a site other than an NICHD intramural laboratory or eligible NICHD-supported extramural site, in which case the participant may not be assessed monetary penalties if, in the judgement of the CIR-LRP Panel, the participant continues to engage in contraception and/or infertility research for any remaining period of obligated service as set forth in the contract.