68a.9—What loans qualify for repayment?
The CR-LRP will repay participants' lenders the principal, interest, and related expenses of qualified Government and commercial educational loans obtained by participants for the following:
Other reasonable educational expenses required by the school(s) attended, including fees, books, supplies, educational equipment and materials, and laboratory expenses; and
Reasonable living expenses, including the cost of room and board, transportation and commuting costs, and other living expenses as determined by the Secretary.
Loans or portions of loans obtained for educational or living expenses which exceed the standard of reasonableness as determined by the participant's standard school budget for the year in which the loan was made, and are not determined by the Secretary to be reasonable based on additional documentation provided by the individual;
Loans, financial debts, or service obligations incurred under the following programs: Physicians Shortage Area Scholarship Program (Federal or State), National Research Service Award Program, Public Health and National Health Service Corps Scholarship Training Program, National Health Service Corps Scholarship Program, Armed Forces (Army, Navy, or Air Force) Health Professions Scholarship Program, Indian Health Service Program, and similar programs, upon determination by the Secretary, which provide loans, scholarships, loan repayments, or other awards in exchange for a future service obligation;
Loan amounts which participants have paid or were due to have paid prior to the program eligibility date; and