59.6—What procedures apply to assure the suitability of informational and educational material?

(a) A grant under this section may be made only upon assurance satisfactory to the Secretary that the project shall provide for the review and approval of informational and educational materials developed or made available under the project by an Advisory Committee prior to their distribution, to assure that the materials are suitable for the population or community to which they are to be made available and the purposes of title X of the Act. The project shall not disseminate any such materials which are not approved by the Advisory Committee.
(b) The Advisory Committee referred to in paragraph (a) of this section shall be established as follows:
(1) Size. The Committee shall consist of no fewer than five but not more than nine members, except that this provision may be waived by the Secretary for good cause shown.
(2) Composition. The Committee shall include individuals broadly representative (in terms of demographic factors such as race, color, national origin, handicapped condition, sex, and age) of the population or community for which the materials are intended.
(3) Function. In reviewing materials, the Advisory Committee shall:
(i) Consider the educational and cultural backgrounds of individuals to whom the materials are addressed;
(ii) Consider the standards of the population or community to be served with respect to such materials;
(iii) Review the content of the material to assure that the information is factually correct;
(iv) Determine whether the material is suitable for the population or community to which is to be made available; and
(v) Establish a written record of its determinations.