493.1276—Standard: Clinical cytogenetics.
The laboratory must have policies and procedures for ensuring accurate and reliable patient specimen identification during the process of accessioning, cell preparation, photographing or other image reproduction technique, photographic printing, and reporting and storage of results, karyotypes, and photographs.
The media used, reactions observed, number of cells counted, number of cells karyotyped, number of chromosomes counted for each metaphase spread, and the quality of the banding.
The resolution is appropriate for the type of tissue or specimen and the type of study required based on the clinical information provided to the laboratory.
The laboratory report must include a summary and interpretation of the observations, number of cells counted and analyzed, and use the International System for Human Cytogenetic Nomenclature.
[68 FR 3703, Jan. 24, 2003; 68 FR 50724, Aug. 22, 2003]