488.60—Special procedures for approving end stage renal disease facilities.

(a) Consideration for approval. An ESRD facility that wishes to be approved or that wishes an expansion of dialysis services to be approved for coverage, in accordance with part 494 of this chapter, must secure a determination by the Secretary. To secure a determination, the facility must submit the following documents and data for consideration by the Secretary:
(1) Certification by the State agency referred to in § 488.12 of this part.
(2) Data furnished by ESRD network organizations and recommendations of the Public Health Service concerning the facility's contribution to the ESRD services of the network.
(3) Data concerning the facility's compliance with professional norms and standards.
(4) Data pertaining to the facility's qualifications for approval or for any expansion of services.
(b) Determining compliance with minimal utilization rates: Time limitations— (1) Unconditional status. A facility which meets minimal utilization requirements will be assigned this status as long as it continues to meet these requirements.
(2) Conditional status. A conditional status may be granted to a facility for not more than four consecutive calendar years and will not be renewable (see § 405.2122(b) of this chapter ). Its status may be examined each calendar year to ascertain its compliance with Subpart U.
(3) Exception status. Under unusual circumstances (see § 405.2122 (b) of this chapter) the Secretary may grant a time-limited exception to a facility which is not in compliance with the minimal utilization rate(s) for either unconditional status or conditional status. This exception status may be granted, and may be renewed on an annual basis, under circumstances where rigid application of minimal utilization rate requirements would adversely affect the achievement of ESRD program objectives.
(c) New applicant. A facility which has not previously participated in the ESRD program must submit a plan detailing how it expects to meet the conditional minimal utilization rate status by the end of the second calendar year of its operation under the program and meet the unconditional minimal utilization rate status by the end of the fourth calendar year of its operation under the program.
(d) Notification. The Secretary will notify each facility and its network coordinating council of its initial and its subsequent minimal utilization rate classification.
(e) Failure to meet minimal utilization rate. A facility failing to meet standards for unconditional status or conditional status, or if applicable, for exception status, will be so notified at the time of such classification.
(f) Interim regulations participant. A facility previously participating under the interim regulations will not be approved under the program established by subpart U until it has demonstrated that it meets all the applicable requirements of this subpart, including the appropriate minimal utilization rate. It may continue under the interim program only for a period not to exceed 1 year from the effective date of these amendments (see § 405.2100(c) of this chapter ). During this period it may demonstrate its ability to meet the appropriate minimal utilization rate. Failure to qualify under this subpart will automatically terminate coverage of such facility's services under the ESRD program at the end of such year.
[41 FR 22510, June 3, 1976. Redesignated at 42 FR 52826, Sept. 30, 1977, and further amended at 45 FR 58124, Sept. 2, 1980. Redesignated and amended at 53 FR 23100, June 17, 1988; 73 FR 20474, Apr. 15, 2008]