488.422—State monitoring.

(a) A State monitor—
(1) Oversees the correction of deficiencies specified by CMS or the State survey agency at the facility site and protects the facility's residents from harm;
(2) Is an employee or a contractor of the survey agency;
(3) Is identified by the State as an appropriate professional to monitor cited deficiencies;
(4) Is not an employee of the facility;
(5) Does not function as a consultant to the facility; and
(6) Does not have an immediate family member who is a resident of the facility to be monitored.
(b) A State monitor must be used when a survey agency has cited a facility with substandard quality of care deficiencies on the last 3 consecutive standard surveys.
(c) State monitoring is discontinued when—
(1) The facility has demonstrated that it is in substantial compliance with the requirements, and, if imposed for repeated instances of substandard quality of care, will remain in compliance for a period of time specified by CMS or the State; or
(2) Termination procedures are completed.
[59 FR 56243, Nov. 10, 1994; 60 FR 50119, Sept. 28, 1995]