475.104—Requirements for demonstrating ability to perform review.

(a) A physician-sponsored or physician-access organization will be found capable of conducting review if CMS determines that the organization is able to set quantifiable performance objectives and perform the utilization and quality review functions established under section 1154 of the Social Security Act in an efficient and effective manner.
(b) CMS will determine that the organization is capable of conducting utilization and quality review if—
(1) The organization's proposed review system is adequate; and
(2) The organization has available sufficient resources (including access to medical review skills) to implement that system; and
(3) The organization's quantifiable objectives are acceptable.
(c) CMS may consider prior similar review experience in making determinations under paragraph (b) of this section.
(d) A State government that operates a Medicaid program will be considered incapable of performing utilization and quality review functions in an effective manner, unless the State demonstrates to the satisfaction of CMS that it will act with complete independence and objectivity.