457.350—Eligibility screening and facilitation of Medicaid enrollment.

(a) State plan requirement. The State plan must include a description of—
(1) The screening procedures that the State will use, at intake and any follow-up eligibility determination, including any periodic redetermination, to ensure that only targeted low-income children are furnished child health assistance under the plan; and
(2) The procedures that the State will use to ensure that the Medicaid application and enrollment process is initiated and that Medicaid enrollment is facilitated for children found, through the screening process, to be potentially eligible for Medicaid.
(b) Screening objectives. (1) A State must use screening procedures to identify, at a minimum, any applicant or enrollee who is potentially eligible for Medicaid under one of the poverty-level-related groups described in section 1902(l) of the Act, section 1931 of the Act, or a Medicaid demonstration project approved under section 1115 of the Act, applying whichever standard and corresponding methodology generally results in a higher income eligibility level for the age group of the child being screened.
(2) Screening procedures must also identify any applicant or enrollee who would be potentially eligible for Medicaid services based on the eligibility of his or her mother under one of the poverty level groups described in section 1902(l) of the Act, section 1931 of the Act, or a Medicaid demonstration project approved under section 1115 of the Act.
(c) Income eligibility test. To identify the children described in paragraph (b) of this section, a State must either initially apply the gross income test described in paragraph (c)(1) of this section and then use an adjusted income test described in paragraph (c)(2) of this section for applicants whose gross income is above the appropriate Medicaid income standard, or use only the adjusted income test.
(1) Initial gross income test. Under this test, a State initially screens for Medicaid eligibility by comparing gross family income to the appropriate Medicaid income standard.
(2) Adjusted income test. Under this test, a State screens for Medicaid eligibility by comparing adjusted family income to the appropriate Medicaid income standard. The State must apply Medicaid standards and methodologies relating to income for the particular Medicaid eligibility group, including all income exclusions and disregards, except those that apply only in very limited circumstances.
(d) Resource eligibility test. (1) If a State applies a resource test for children under the Medicaid eligibility group used for screening purposes as described in paragraph (b) of this section and a child has been determined potentially income eligible for Medicaid, the State must also screen for Medicaid eligibility by comparing family resources to the appropriate Medicaid resource standard.
(2) In conducting the screening, the State must apply Medicaid standards and methodologies related to resources for the particular Medicaid eligibility group, including all resource exclusions and disregards, except those that apply only in very limited circumstances.
(e) Children found potentially ineligible for Medicaid. If a State uses a screening procedure other than a full determination of Medicaid eligibility under all possible eligibility groups, and the screening process reveals that the child does not appear to be eligible for Medicaid, the State must provide the child's family with the following in writing:
(1) A statement that based on a limited review, the child does not appear eligible for Medicaid, but Medicaid eligibility can only be determined based on a full review of a Medicaid application under all Medicaid eligibility groups;
(2) Information about Medicaid eligibility and benefits; and
(3) Information about how and where to apply for Medicaid under all eligibility groups.
(4) The State will determine the written format and timing of the information regarding Medicaid eligibility, benefits, and the application process required under this paragraph (e).
(f) Children found potentially eligible for Medicaid. If the screening process reveals that the child is potentially eligible for Medicaid, the State must establish procedures in coordination with the Medicaid agency that facilitate enrollment in Medicaid and avoid duplicative requests for information and documentation and must—
(1) Except as provided in § 457.355, find the child ineligible, provisionally ineligible, or suspend the child's application for the separate child health program unless and until a completed Medicaid application for that child is denied, or the child's circumstances change, and promptly transmit the separate child health application to the Medicaid agency as provided in paragraph (f)(3)(ii) of this section; and
(2) If a State uses a joint application for its Medicaid and separate child health programs, promptly transmit the application, or the information obtained through the application, and all relevant documentation to the Medicaid agency; or
(3) If a State does not use a joint application for its Medicaid and separate child health programs:
(i) Promptly inform the child's parent or caretaker in writing and, if appropriate, orally that the child has been found likely to be eligible for Medicaid; provide the family with a Medicaid application and offer information about what, if any, further information, documentation, or other steps are needed to complete the Medicaid application process; and offer assistance in completing the application process;
(ii) Promptly transmit the separate child health program application; or the information obtained through the application, and all other relevant information and documentation, including the results of the screening process, to the Medicaid agency for a final determination of Medicaid eligibility in accordance with the requirements of §§ 431.636 and 457.1110 of this chapter; or
(4) Establish other effective and efficient procedures, in coordination with the Medicaid agency, as described and approved in the State plan that ensure that children who are screened as potentially eligible for Medicaid are able to apply for Medicaid without delay and, if eligible, are enrolled in Medicaid in a timely manner; and
(5) Determine or redetermine eligibility for the separate child health program, if—
(i) The State is notified pursuant to § 431.636 of this chapter that the child has been found ineligible for Medicaid, consistent with the time standards established pursuant to § 457.340(c); or
(ii) The State is notified prior to the final Medicaid eligibility determination that the child's circumstances have changed and another screening shows that the child is not likely to be eligible for Medicaid.
(g) Informed application decisions. To enable a family to make an informed decision about applying for Medicaid or completing the Medicaid application process, a State must provide the child's family with information, in writing, about—
(1) The State's Medicaid program, including the benefits covered, and restrictions on cost sharing; and
(2) Eligibility rules that prohibit children who have been screened eligible for Medicaid from being enrolled in a separate child health program, other than provisional temporary enrollment while a final Medicaid eligibility determination is being made.
(3) The State will determine the written format and timing of the information regarding Medicaid eligibility, benefits, and the application process required under this paragraph (g).
(h) Waiting lists, enrollment caps and closed enrollment. The State must establish procedures to ensure that—
(1) The procedures developed in accordance with this section have been followed for each child applying for a separate child health program before placing the child on a waiting list or otherwise deferring action on the child's application for the separate child health program; and
(2) Families are informed that a child may be eligible for Medicaid if circumstances change while the child is on a waiting list for separate child health program.
[66 FR 2675, Jan. 11, 2001, as amended at 66 FR 33823, June 25, 2001; 67 FR 61974, Oct. 2, 2002]