457.212—Disallowance of claims for FFP.

(a) Notice of disallowance and of right to reconsideration. When the Regional Administrator or the Administrator determines that a claim or portion of claim is not allowable, he or she promptly sends the State a disallowance letter that includes the following, as appropriate:
(1) The date or dates on which the State's claim for FFP was made.
(2) The time period during which the expenditures in question were made or claimed to have been made.
(3) The date and amount of any payment or notice of deferral.
(4) A statement of the amount of FFP claimed, allowed, and disallowed and the manner in which these amounts were computed.
(5) Findings of fact on which the disallowance determination is based or a reference to other documents previously furnished to the State or included with the notice (such as a report of a financial review or audit) that contain the findings of fact on which the disallowance determination is based.
(6) Pertinent citations to the law, regulations, guides and instructions supporting the action taken.
(7) A request that the State make appropriate adjustment in a subsequent expenditure report.
(8) Notice of the State's right to request reconsideration of the disallowance and the time allowed to make the request.
(9) A statement indicating that the disallowance letter is the Department's final decision unless the State requests reconsideration under paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(b) Reconsideration of FFP disallowance. (1) The Departmental Appeals Board reviews disallowances of FFP under title XXI.
(2) A State may request reconsideration with a request to the Chair, Departmental Appeals Board, within 30 days after receipt of the disallowance letter, which must include—
(i) A copy of the disallowance letter;
(ii) A statement of the amount in dispute; and
(iii) A brief statement of why the disallowance is wrong.
(c) Reconsideration procedures. The reconsideration procedures are those set forth in 45 CFR part 16.
(d) Implementation of decisions. If the reconsideration decision requires an adjustment of FFP, either upward or downward, a subsequent grant award promptly reflects the amount of increase or decrease.