447.72—Alternative premium and cost sharing exemptions and protections for individuals with family incomes above 100 percent but at or below 150 percent of the FPL.

(a) The State may not impose premiums under the State plan on individuals whose family income exceeds 100 percent, but does not exceed 150 percent, of the FPL.
(b) Cost sharing may be imposed under the State plan for individuals whose family income exceeds 100 percent, but does not exceed 150 percent, of the FPL if the cost sharing does not exceed 10 percent of the payment the agency makes for the item or service, with the following exceptions:
(1) Cost sharing for non-preferred drugs cannot exceed the nominal amount as defined in § 447.54.
(2) Cost sharing for non-emergency services furnished in the hospital emergency department cannot exceed twice the nominal amount as defined in § 447.54. A hospital must meet the requirements described at § 447.80(b)(2) before the cost sharing can be imposed.
(3) In the case of States that do not have fee-for-service payment rates, any copayment that the State imposes for services provided by an MCO to a Medicaid beneficiary, including a child covered under a Medicaid expansion program for whom enhanced match is claimed under title XXI of the Act, may not exceed $3.40 per visit for Federal FY 2009. Thereafter, any copayment may not exceed this amount as updated each October 1 by the percentage increase in the medical care component of the CPI-U for the period of September to September ending in the preceding calendar year and then rounded to the next highest 5-cent increment.
(c) Aggregate cost sharing under sections 1916 and 1916A of the Act for all individuals in the family enrolled in Medicaid may not exceed the maximum permitted under § 447.78(a).
[73 FR 71851, Nov. 25, 2008, as amended at 75 FR 30264, May 28, 2010]