
(a) General. This subpart sets out requirements for States that elect to provide medical assistance to certain Medicaid eligible individuals within one or more groups of individuals specified by the State, through enrollment of the individuals in coverage, identified as “benchmark” or “benchmark-equivalent.”
(b) Limitations. A State may only apply the option in paragraph (a) of this section for an individual whose eligibility is based on an eligibility category under section 1905(a) of the Act that could have been covered under the State's plan on or before February 8, 2006.
(c) A State may not require but may offer enrollment in benchmark or benchmark-equivalent coverage to the Medicaid eligible individuals listed in § 440.315. States allowing individuals to voluntarily enroll must be in compliance with the rules specified at § 440.320.
(d) Prior to submitting to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for approval a State plan amendment to establish a benchmark or benchmark-equivalent benefit plan or an amendment to substantially modify an existing benchmark or benchmark-equivalent benefit plan, a State must have provided the public with advance notice of the amendment and reasonable opportunity to comment with respect to such amendment, and have included in the notice a description of the method for assuring compliance with § 440.345 of this subpart related to full access to EPSDT services, and the method for complying with the provisions of section 5006(e) of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.