438.402—General requirements.

(a) The grievance system. Each MCO and PIHP must have a system in place for enrollees that includes a grievance process, an appeal process, and access to the State's fair hearing system.
(b) Filing requirements— (1) Authority to file. An enrollee may file a grievance and an MCO or PIHP level appeal, and may request a State fair hearing.
(ii) A provider, acting on behalf of the enrollee and with the enrollee's written consent, may file an appeal. A provider may file a grievance or request a State fair hearing on behalf of an enrollee, if the State permits the provider to act as the enrollee's authorized representative in doing so.
(2) Timing. The State specifies a reasonable timeframe that may be no less than 20 days and not to exceed 90 days from the date on the MCO's or PIHP's notice of action. Within that timeframe—
(i) The enrollee or the provider may file an appeal; and
(ii) In a State that does not require exhaustion of MCO and PIHP level appeals, the enrollee may request a State fair hearing.
(3) Procedures. (i) The enrollee may file a grievance either orally or in writing and, as determined by the State, either with the State or with the MCO or the PIHP.
(ii) The enrollee or the provider may file an appeal either orally or in writing, and unless he or she requests expedited resolution, must follow an oral filing with a written, signed, appeal.