435.916—Periodic redeterminations of Medicaid eligibility.

(a) The agency must redetermine the eligibility of Medicaid recipients, with respect to circumstances that may change, at least every 12 months, however—
(1) The agency may consider blindness as continuing until the review physician under § 435.531 determines that a recipient's vision has improved beyond the definition of blindness contained in the plan; and
(2) The agency may consider disability as continuing until the review team under § 435.541 determines that a recipient's disability no longer meets the definition of disability contained in the plan.
(b) Procedures for reporting changes. The agency must have procedures designed to ensure that recipients make timely and accurate reports of any change in circumstances that may affect their eligibility.
(c) Agency action on information about changes. (1) The agency must promptly redetermine eligibility when it receives information about changes in a recipient's circumstances that may affect his eligibility.
(2) If the agency has information about anticipated changes in a recipient's circumstances, it must redetermine eligibility at the appropriate time based on those changes.