433.50—Basis, scope, and applicability.

(a) Basis. This subpart interprets and implements—(1) Section 1902(a)(2) and section 1903(w)(7)(G) of the Act, which require States to share in the cost of medical assistance expenditures and permit State and local units of government to participate in the financing of the non-Federal portion of medical assistance expenditures.
(i) A unit of government is a State, a city, a county, a special purpose district, or other governmental unit in the State that: has taxing authority, has direct access to tax revenues, is a State university teaching hospital with direct appropriations from the State treasury, or is an Indian tribe as defined in Section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as amended [25 U.S.C. 450b ].
(ii) A health care provider may be considered a unit of government only when it is operated by a unit of government as demonstrated by a showing of the following:
(A) The health care provider has generally applicable taxing authority; or
(B) The health care provider has direct access to generally applicable tax revenues. This means the health care provider is able to directly access funding as an integral part of a unit of government with taxing authority which is legally obligated to fund the health care provider's expenses, liabilities, and deficits, so that a contractual arrangement with the State or local government is not the primary or sole basis for the health care provider to receive tax revenues;
(C) The health care provider receives appropriated funding as a State university teaching hospital providing supervised teaching experiences to graduate medical school interns and residents enrolled in a State university in the State; or
(D) The health care provider is an Indian Tribe or Tribal organization (as those terms are defined in Section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA); 25 U.S.C. 450b) and meets the following criteria:
(1) If the entity is a Tribal organization, it is—
(a) Carrying out health programs of the IHS, including health services which are eligible for reimbursement by Medicaid, under a contract or compact entered into between the Tribal organization and the Indian Health Service pursuant to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Public Law 93-638, as amended, and
(b) Either the recognized governing body of an Indian tribe, or an entity which is formed solely by, wholly owned or comprised of, and exclusively controlled by Indian tribes.
(2) Section 1903(a) of the Act, which requires the Secretary to pay each State an amount equal to the Federal medical assistance percentage of the total amount expended as medical assistance under the State's plan.
(3) Section 1903(w) of the Act, which specifies the treatment of revenues from provider-related donations and health care-related taxes in determining a State's medical assistance expenditures for which Federal financial participation (FFP) is available under the Medicaid program.
(b) Scope. This subpart—
(1) Specifies State plan requirements for State financial participation in expenditures for medical assistance.
(2) Defines provider-related donations and health care-related taxes that may be received without a reduction in FFP.
(3) Specifies rules for revenues received from provider-related donations and health care-related taxes during a transition period.
(4) Establishes limitations on FFP when States receive funds from provider-related donations and revenues generated by health care-related taxes.
(c) Applicability. The provisions of this subpart apply to the 50 States and the District of Columbia, but not to any State whose entire Medicaid program is operated under a waiver granted under section 1115 of the Act.
[57 FR 55138, Nov. 24, 1992; 58 FR 6095, Jan. 26, 1993; 72 FR 29832, May 29, 2007; 72 FR 29832, May 29, 2007]