423.514—Validation of Part D reporting requirements.

(a) Required information. Each Part D plan sponsor must have an effective procedure to develop, compile, evaluate, and report to CMS, to its enrollees, and to the general public, at the times and in the manner that CMS requires, statistics indicating the following—
(1) The cost of its operations.
(2) The patterns of utilization of its services.
(3) The availability, accessibility, and acceptability of its services.
(4) Information demonstrating that the Part D plan sponsor has a fiscally sound operation.
(5) Other matters that CMS may require.
(b) Significant business transactions. Each Part D plan sponsor must report to CMS annually, within 120 days of the end of its fiscal year (unless, for good cause shown, CMS authorizes an extension of time), the following:
(1) A description of significant business transactions, as defined in § 423.501, between the Part D plan sponsor and a party in interest, including the following:
(i) Indication that the costs of the transactions listed in paragraph (c) of this section do not exceed the costs that would be incurred if these transactions were with someone who is not a party in interest; or
(ii) If they do exceed, a justification that the higher costs are consistent with prudent management and fiscal soundness requirements.
(2) A combined financial statement for the Part D plan sponsor and a party in interest if either of the following conditions is met:
(i) Thirty five percent or more of the costs of operation of the Part D sponsor go to a party in interest.
(ii) Thirty five percent or more of the revenue of a party in interest is from the Part D plan sponsor.
(c) Requirements for combined financial statements. (1) The combined financial statements required by paragraph (b)(2) of this section must display in separate columns the financial information for the Part D plan sponsor and each of the parties in interest.
(2) Inter-entity transactions must be eliminated in the consolidated column.
(3) The statements must be examined by an independent auditor in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and must include appropriate opinions and notes.
(4) Upon written request from a Part D plan sponsor showing good cause, CMS may waive the requirement that the organization's combined financial statement include the financial information required in this paragraph (c) of this section for a particular entity.
(d) Reporting and disclosure under Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). (1) For any employees' health benefits plan that includes a Part D plan sponsor in its offerings, the PDP sponsor must furnish, upon request, the information the plan needs to fulfill its reporting and disclosure obligations (for the particular PDP sponsor) under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA).
(2) The PDP sponsor must furnish the information to the employer or the employer's designee, or to the plan administrator, as the term “administrator” is defined in ERISA.
(e) Loan information. Each Part D plan sponsor must notify CMS of any loans or other special financial arrangements it makes with contractors, subcontractors and related entities.
(f) Enrollee access to information. Each Part D plan sponsor must make the information reported to CMS under this section available to its enrollees upon reasonable request.
(g) Data validation. Each Part D sponsor must subject information collected under paragraph (a) of this section to a yearly independent audit to determine its reliability, validity, completeness, and comparability in accordance with specifications developed by CMS.
[70 FR 4525, Jan. 28, 2005, as amended at 75 FR 19822, Apr. 15, 2010]