
As used in this part—
Arrangement means a written agreement between an MA organization and a provider or provider network, under which—
(1) The provider or provider network agrees to furnish for a specific MA plan(s) specified services to the organization's MA enrollees;
(2) The organization retains responsibilities for the services; and
(3) Medicare payment to the organization discharges the enrollee's obligation to pay for the services.
Attestation process means a CMS-developed RADV audit-related dispute process that enables MA organizations undergoing RADV audit to submit CMS-generated and physician practitioner signed attestations for medical records with missing or illegible signatures or credentials. Physicians/practitioners who documented health care services in the specific medical record under RADV review will be allowed to attest that they provided and documented the health care services evidenced in the specific medical record.
Balance billing generally refers to an amount billed by a provider that represents the difference between the amount the provider charges an individual for a service and the sum of the amount the individual's health insurer (for example, the original Medicare program) will pay for the service plus any cost-sharing by the individual.
Basic benefits means all Medicare-covered benefits (except hospice services).
Benefits means health care services that are intended to maintain or improve the health status of enrollees, for which the MA organization incurs a cost or liability under an MA plan (not solely an administrative processing cost). Benefits are submitted and approved through the annual bidding process.
Coinsurance is a fixed percentage of the total amount paid for a health care service that can be charged to an MA enrollee on a per-service basis.
Copayment is a fixed amount that can be charged to an MA plan enrollee on a per-service basis.
Cost-sharing includes deductibles, coinsurance, and copayments.
Downstream entity means any party that enters into a written arrangement, acceptable to CMS, with persons or entities involved with the MA benefit, below the level of the arrangement between an MA organization (or applicant) and a first tier entity. These written arrangements continue down to the level of the ultimate provider of both health and administrative services.
First tier entity means any party that enters into a written arrangement, acceptable to CMS, with an MA organization or applicant to provide administrative services or health care services for a Medicare eligible individual under the MA program.
Hierarchical condition categories (HCC) means disease groupings consisting of disease codes (currently ICD-9-CM codes) that predict average healthcare spending. HCCs represent the disease component of the enrollee risk score that are applied to MA payments.
Initial Validation Contractor (IVC) means the first level of medical record review under the RADV audit process.
Institutionalized means for the purpose of defining a special needs individual, an MA eligible individual who continuously resides or is expected to continuously reside for 90 days or longer in a long-term care facility which is a skilled nursing facility (SNF) nursing facility (NF); SNF/NF; an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded (ICF/MR); or an inpatient psychiatric facility.
Institutionalized-equivalent means for the purpose of defining a special needs individual, an MA eligible individual who is living in the community but requires an institutional level of care. The determination that the individual requires an institutional level of care (LOC) must be made by—
(1) The use of a State assessment tool from the State in which the individual resides; and
(2) An assessment conducted by an impartial entity and having the requisite knowledge and experience to accurately identify whether the beneficiary meets the institutional LOC criteria. In States and territories that do not have an existing institutional level of care assessment tool, the individual must be assessed using the same methodology that State uses to determine institutional level of care for Medicaid nursing home eligibility.
Licensed by the State as a risk-bearing entity means the entity is licensed or otherwise authorized by the State to assume risk for offering health insurance or health benefits coverage, such that the entity is authorized to accept prepaid capitation for providing, arranging, or paying for comprehensive health services under an MA contract.
MA stands for Medicare Advantage.
MA local area is defined in § 422.252.
MA local plan means an MA plan that is not an MA regional plan.
MA-Prescription drug (PD) plan means an MA plan that provides qualified prescription drug coverage under Part D of the Social Security Act.
MA regional plan means a coordinated care plan structured as a preferred provider organization (PPO) that serves one or more entire regions. An MA regional plan must have a network of contracting providers that have agreed to a specific reimbursement for the plan's covered services and must pay for all covered services whether provided in or out of the network.
MA eligible individual means an individual who meets the requirements of § 422.50.
MA organization means a public or private entity organized and licensed by a State as a risk-bearing entity (with the exception of provider-sponsored organizations receiving waivers) that is certified by CMS as meeting the MA contract requirements.
MA plan means health benefits coverage offered under a policy or contract by an MA organization that includes a specific set of health benefits offered at a uniform premium and uniform level of cost-sharing to all Medicare beneficiaries residing in the service area of the MA plan (or in individual segments of a service area, under § 422.304(b)(2) ).
MA plan enrollee is an MA eligible individual who has elected an MA plan offered by an MA organization.
Mandatory supplemental benefits means health care services not covered by Medicare that an MA enrollee must accept or purchase as part of an MA plan. The benefits may include reductions in cost sharing for benefits under the original Medicare fee for service program and are paid for in the form of premiums and cost sharing, or by an application of the beneficiary rebate rule in section 1854(b)(1)(C)(ii)(I) of the Act, or both.
MSA stands for medical savings account.
MSA trustee means a person or business with which an enrollee establishes an MA MSA. A trustee may be a bank, an insurance company, or any other entity that—
(1) Is approved by the Internal Revenue Service to be a trustee or custodian of an individual retirement account (IRA); and
(2) Meets the requirements of § 422.262(b).
National coverage determination (NCD) means a national policy determination regarding the coverage status of a particular service that CMS makes under section 1862(a)(1) of the Act, and publishes as a Federal Register notice or CMS ruling. (The term does not include coverage changes mandated by statute.)
Optional supplemental benefits are health services not covered by Medicare that are purchased at the option of the MA enrollee and paid for in full, directly by (or on behalf of) the Medicare enrollee, in the form of premiums or cost-sharing. These services may be grouped or offered individually.
Original Medicare means health insurance available under Medicare Part A and Part B through the traditional fee-for service payment system.
Point of service (POS) means a benefit option that an MA HMO plan can offer to its Medicare enrollees as a mandatory supplemental, or optional supplemental benefit. Under the POS benefit option, the HMO plan allows members the option of receiving specified services outside of the HMO plan's provider network. In return for this flexibility, members typically have higher cost-sharing requirements for services received and, when offered as a mandatory or optional supplemental benefit, may also be charged a premium for the POS benefit option.
Prescription drug plan (PDP). PDP has the definition set forth in § 423.4 of this chapter.
Prescription drug plan (PDP) sponsor. A prescription drug plan sponsor has the definition set forth in § 423.4 of this chapter.
Provider means—
(1) Any individual who is engaged in the delivery of health care services in a State and is licensed or certified by the State to engage in that activity in the State; and
(2) Any entity that is engaged in the delivery of health care services in a State and is licensed or certified to deliver those services if such licensing or certification is required by State law or regulation.
Provider network means the providers with which an MA organization contracts or makes arrangements to furnish covered health care services to Medicare enrollees under an MA coordinated care plan or network PFFS plan.
RADV payment error calculation appeal process means an administrative process that enables MA organizations that have undergone RADV audit to appeal the CMS calculation of an MA organization's RADV payment error.
Related entity means any entity that is related to the MA organization by common ownership or control and
(1) Performs some of the MA organization's management functions under contract or delegation;
(2) Furnishes services to Medicare enrollees under an oral or written agreement; or
(3) Leases real property or sells materials to the MA organization at a cost of more than $2,500 during a contract period.
Religious Fraternal benefit (RFB) society means an organization that—
(1) Is described in section 501(c)(8) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 and is exempt from taxation under section 501(a) of that Act; and
(2) Is affiliated with, carries out the tenets of, and shares a religious bond with, a church or convention or association of churches or an affiliated group of churches.
RFB plan means an MA plan that is offered by an RFB society.
Risk adjustment data validation (RADV) audit means a CMS-administered payment audit of a Medicare Advantage (MA) organization that ensures the integrity and accuracy of risk adjustment payment data.
Service area means a geographic area that for local MA plans is a county or multiple counties, and for MA regional plans is a region approved by CMS within which an MA-eligible individual may enroll in a particular MA plan offered by an MA organization. Facilities in which individuals are incarcerated are not included in the service area of an MA plan. Each MA plan must be available to all MA-eligible individuals within the plan's service area. In deciding whether to approve an MA plan's proposed service area, CMS considers the following criteria:
(1) For local MA plans:
(i) Whether the area meets the “county integrity rule” that a service area generally consists of a full county or counties.
(ii) However, CMS may approve a service area that includes only a portion of a county if it determines that the “partial county” area is necessary, nondiscriminatory, and in the best interests of the beneficiaries. CMS may also consider the extent to which the proposed service area mirrors service areas of existing commercial health care plans or MA plans offered by the organization.
(2) For all MA coordinated care plans, whether the contracting provider network meets the access and availability standards set forth in § 422.112. Although not all contracting providers must be located within the plan's service area, CMS must determine that all services covered under the plan are accessible from the service area.
(3) For MA regional plans, whether the service area consists of the entire region.
Severe or disabling chronic condition means for the purpose of defining a special needs individual, an MA eligible individual who has one or more co-morbid and medically complex chronic conditions that are substantially disabling or life-threatening, has a high risk of hospitalization or other significant adverse health outcomes, and requires specialized delivery systems across domains of care.
Special needs individual means an MA eligible individual who is institutionalized, as defined above, is entitled to medical assistance under a State plan under title XIX, or has a severe or disabling chronic condition(s) and would benefit from enrollment in a specialized MA plan.
Specialized MA Plans for Special Needs Individuals means an MA coordinated care plan that exclusively enrolls special needs individuals as set forth in § 422.4(a)(1)(iv) and that provides Part D benefits under part 423 of this chapter to all enrollees; and which has been designated by CMS as meeting the requirements of an MA SNP as determined on a case-by-case basis using criteria that include the appropriateness of the target population, the existence of clinical programs or special expertise to serve the target population, and whether the proposal discriminates against sicker members of the target population.
The one best medical record for the purposes of Medicare Advantage Risk Adjustment Validation (RADV) means the clinical documentation for a single encounter for care (that is, a physician office visit, an inpatient hospital stay, or an outpatient hospital visit) that occurred for one patient during the data collection period. The single encounter for care must be based on a face-to-face encounter with a provider deemed acceptable for risk adjustment and documentation of this encounter must be reflected in the medical record.
[63 FR 35068, June 26, 1998, as amended at 65 FR 40314, June 29, 2000; 68 FR 50855, Aug. 22, 2003; 70 FR 4714, Jan. 28, 2005; 70 FR 52026, Sept. 1, 2005; 70 FR 76197, Dec. 23, 2005; 72 FR 68722, Dec. 5, 2007; 74 FR 1540, Jan. 12, 2009; 75 FR 19803, Apr. 15, 2010]