405.841—Reopening initial or review determination of the carrier, and decision of a carrier hearing officer.

An initial or review determination of a carrier or a decision of a hearing officer may be reopened by such carrier or hearing officer:
(a) Within 12 months from the date of the notice of such initial or review determination or decision to the party to such determination or decision; or
(b) After such 12-month period, but within 4 years from the date of the notice of the initial determination to the party to such determination, upon establishment of good cause for reopening such determination or decision (see 20 CFR 404.988(b) and 404.989 ); or
(c) At any time, when:
(1) Such initial or review determination or decision was procured by fraud or similar fault of the beneficiary or some other person, or
(2) Such initial or review determination or decision is unfavorable, in whole or in part, to the party thereto, but only for the purpose of correcting a clerical error or error on the face of the evidence on which such determination or decision was based.
[39 FR 12098, Apr. 3, 1974. Redesignated at 42 FR 52826, Sept. 30, 1977, as amended at 59 FR 12183, Mar. 16, 1994; 62 FR 25855, May 12, 1997]