405.2452—Services and supplies incident to clinical psychologist and clinical social worker services.

(a) Services and supplies incident to a clinical psychologist's or clinical social worker's services are reimbursable under this subpart if the service or supply is—
(1) Of a type commonly furnished in a physician's office;
(2) Of a type commonly furnished either without charge or included in the Federally qualified health center's bill;
(3) Furnished as an incidental, although integral part of professional services furnished by a clinical psychologist or clinical social worker;
(4) Furnished under the direct, personal supervision of a clinical psychologist, clinical social worker or physician; and
(5) In the case of a service, furnished by a member of the center's health care staff who is an employee of the center.
(b) The direct personal supervision requirement in paragraph (a)(4) of this section is met only if the clinical psychologist or clinical social worker is permitted to supervise such services under the written policies governing the Federally qualified health center.