405.1132—Request for escalation to Federal court.

(a) If the MAC does not issue a decision or dismissal or remand the case to an ALJ within the adjudication period specified in § 405.1100, or as extended as provided in this subpart, the appellant may request that the appeal, other than an appeal of an ALJ dismissal, be escalated to Federal district court. Upon receipt of a request for escalation, the MAC may—
(1) Issue a decision or dismissal or remand the case to an ALJ, if that action is issued within the latter of 5 calendar days of receipt of the request for escalation or 5 calendar days from the end of the applicable adjudication time period set forth in § 405.1100; or
(2) If the MAC is not able to issue a decision or dismissal or remand as set forth in paragraph (a)(1) of this section, it will send a notice to the appellant acknowledging receipt of the request for escalation and confirming that it is not able to issue a decision, dismissal or remand order within the statutory time frame.
(b) A party may file an action in a Federal district court within 60 calendar days after the date it receives the MAC's notice that the MAC is not able to issue a final decision, dismissal order, or remand order unless the party is appealing an ALJ dismissal.
[70 FR 11472, Mar. 8, 2005, as amended at 74 FR 65338, Dec. 9, 2009]