405.1104—Request for MAC review when an ALJ does not issue a decision timely.

(a) Requesting escalation. An appellant who files a timely request for hearing before an ALJ and whose appeal continues to be pending before the ALJ at the end of the applicable ALJ adjudication period under § 405.1016 may request MAC review if—
(1) The appellant files a written request with the ALJ to escalate the appeal to the MAC after the adjudication period has expired; and
(2) The ALJ does not issue a decision, dismissal order, or remand order within the later of 5 calendar days of receiving the request for escalation or 5 calendar days from the end of the applicable adjudication period set forth in § 405.1016.
(b) Escalation. (1) If the ALJ is not able to issue a decision, dismissal order, or remand order within the time period set forth in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, he or she sends notice to the appellant.
(2) The notice acknowledges receipt of the request for escalation, and confirms that the ALJ is not able to issue a decision, dismissal order, or remand order within the statutory timeframe.
(3) If the ALJ does not act on a request for escalation within the time period set forth in paragraph (a)(2) of this section or does not send the required notice to the appellant, the QIC decision becomes the decision that is subject to MAC review consistent with § 405.1102(a).
(c) No escalation. If the ALJ's adjudication period set forth in § 405.1016 expires, the case remains with the ALJ until a decision, dismissal order, or remand order is issued or the appellant requests escalation to the MAC.
[70 FR 11472, Mar. 8, 2005, as amended at 70 FR 37704, June 30, 2005; 74 FR 65337, Dec. 9, 2009]