405.1030—ALJ hearing procedures.

(a) General rule. A hearing is open to the parties and to other persons the ALJ considers necessary and proper.
(b) At the hearing. At the hearing, the ALJ fully examines the issues, questions the parties and other witnesses, and may accept documents that are material to the issues consistent with §§ 405.1018 and 405.1028.
(c) Missing evidence. The ALJ may also stop the hearing temporarily and continue it at a later date if he or she believes that there is material evidence missing at the hearing. If the missing evidence is in the possession of the appellant, and the appellant is a provider, supplier, or a beneficiary represented by a provider or supplier, the ALJ must determine if the appellant had good cause for not producing the evidence earlier.
(d) Good cause exists. If good cause exists, the ALJ considers the evidence in deciding the case and the adjudication period specified in § 405.1016 is tolled from the date of the hearing to the date the evidence is submitted.
(e) Good cause does not exist. If the ALJ determines that there was not good cause for not submitting the evidence sooner, the evidence is excluded.
(f) Reopen the hearing. The ALJ may also reopen the hearing at any time before he or she mails a notice of the decision in order to receive new and material evidence pursuant to § 405.986. The ALJ may decide when the evidence is presented and when the issues are discussed.